I have not been writing faithfully as I promised I would. As I said, it sort of defeats the purpose of a journal to have an online journal. I generally don't feel like I can put my inner thoughts and feelings out onto the web (or that I should). It's the sort of thing that I delight in sharing with friends face to face, or even over the phone, but cannot to the faceless void of the internet.
Anyway, a few general updates - I have a boyfriend now! His name is Frank, and he is absolutely amazing. We met at a dance, got to know eachother through dance classes, became dance partners, then became more. :-) Anyway, he's awesome - sweet, smart, funny, considerate, and a great dancer. It's great to have someone to hang out with who shares my interests and values. Well, I could babble on forever about how great he is, so I'd better stop, but anyway, you get the picture. :-)
Work has been greatly improving for me, largely because I feel like I better know how to cope with the challenges that arise in working with kids, and I also have a clearer sense of the expectations of my employers. As long as I know what is being asked of me, and I feel capable of fulfilling it, I think I would be happy in almost any job. Well, perhaps I should amend that to: any job that serves a good purpose and has me working with people of strong character and good hearts (which this one does).
I'm still not sure what the future will bring, but I'm thinking of staying in the Chicago area for a little while longer, if I can, and then hopefully applying to a graduate program in Philosophy. We'll see what happens. I'm sure God will direct.
By the way, if you hadn't figured this one out, the picture is of me and Frank dancing at an upscale latin-dancing nightclub.