Saturday, March 31, 2007

Valentines Pictures

As promised, here are my pictures from Valentine's Day. As part of my present for Frank, I fixed him a surprise fancy dinner (complete with home-made pasta, sparkling cider, and chocolate cherry cake) and got all dressed up.

The setup

The cleanup

Friday, March 09, 2007


It's been too long since I have posted, I know. Quite a bit has transpired, and I am not as good at supplying pictures for it as I once was. I do have pictures from Valentine's Day, which was quite fun, or at least, Frank has the pictures, and I will try to get them from him. :-) Frank and I are still dating for the time being, and we are hoping to do ballroom dancing competition in May. Once I finish this post, I will try to motivate my brownie and junk food-filled body off of the chair and into practicing dancing.

In terms of the future, I have been accepted into two different graduate programs, a masters program in Philosophy at NIU, and a doctoral program at U of Missouri at Columbia. I am still waiting to hear back from two other programs. It looks at this point like Frank and I will take a break from dating while I am away at school. I really don't know what the future holds in terms of our relationship, but I think I am finally nearing the point where I am willing to let God unfold that. What I do need to do is to spend more time in prayer and more time really and truly listening to God's guidance.