Monday, September 05, 2005

Yet another 180

I'm beginning to feel that my desired direction in life is about to go for yet another 180 degree turn. Those who know me well may recall that I just decided about a month ago that I should pursue a masters degree in education. Now I think I will go with what has always been my truest fascination - philosophy. Philosophy was originally the pursuit of knowledge - including everything for science to art to mathematics. I feel that academia has become too fragmented and no longer focuses on educating the whole person, on finding the questions that really matter and equipping us to search out the answers. So, it's back to philosophy for me - the search for who we are and our place in the world. If educating is truly "leading out" and teaching children to reason and solve problems, then what better way to do it than through teaching philosophy? Now to see if any doctoral programs will take me. :)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Yay philiosophy! I always knew you should stay with that. :) You're just so good at it.