Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Little Dragon

Another little chap (3 years old) initiated the following conversation with me the other day. As is typical with the age group, the conversation began in the most random of ways.

Him: "Miss Crystal, did you know I'm turning into a dragon?"
(or as he pronounced it: M' Crisal, di ju' noh i' turnin' indoo a dwaguh?)

Me: "Oh, can you breathe fire yet?"

Him: "Yeah, the dwaguh is comin' out of my mouf [mouth, for those of you who don't speak 3-year-old]."

Him, a few minutes later: "M' Crisal, di ju' know I'm growin' a tail ou' of my butt?"

How do you respond to something like that?


Robert Ludlow said...

People just don't find don't find me cute when I claim to be turning into a dragon these days. They tend to just get me into trouble.

none. said...

You might want to tell him to talk to his parent or gaurdian about the situation. They should be better equipped to deal with the issues.