Tuesday, September 06, 2005


In researching birds commonly found in this area during the fall for my unit on birds and migrations, I wandered across a list of bugs that downy woodpeckers eat. Here are a few highlights:

Eastern blood-sucking conenose
Patent-leather beetle
Rabid wolf spider (actually a spider, not an insect)
Fiery searcher

Apparently entomologists (people who study bugs - and presumably named these species) have vivid imaginations. So it turns out that research can be fun - who knew?????


Beth said...

Of course research is fun! How could you know me and not realize this...I'll never know. Perhaps I was lacking in enthusiasm when we talked science. Shame on me! I'll have to work on that. ;)

Zach said...

So--what sort of philosophy?

crystal said...

I'm still pondering what sort of philosophy, but I very much enjoyed philosophy of religion, and epistemology interests me as well.
However, if I had my choice, I think one thing I would like to study actually has much to do with sociology and history - I'd like to research how the land ancient peoples occupied (as in the geography, topography, climate, and available plants and animals) shaped their cultures, their worldviews, their philosophies, and their interactions with/attitudes toward their environment. I'd also like to examine modern cultures that way and look into the ramifications of losing the close link that peoples once had with the land.
I know that's very complicated, but basically, what I want to study is the relationship (both mental and physical) between man and his world - but on a philosophical level. I'm not so sure a graduate school would be so keen on letting me do that, though.

Chad Schuermeyer said...

Hey there Crystal! This is Chad, and just wanted to say hi. So there...Hi!